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Tactical Engine is a game engine for creating 2d top-down tactical RPGs that can be deployed on Windows, Linux and Mac systems.


The Tactical Engine is designed to be highly modifiable while still allowing for quick prototyping for those that don't want to deal with the lower level details. For those that really want to modify the engine, the entire code-base is available on source-forge.

The engine supports Tiled maps (.tmx files) out of the box, but can be configured to consume any type of map file.

Free and Open-Source

Use of Tactical Engine is completely free and the entirety of the code-base write in Java is available for download and modification.

Provided Tools

Tactical Engine comes bundled with a number of tools to aid in the creation of assets that can be consumed by the engine.

  • 2D sprite animator for pixel based animations.
  • Portrait definer.
  • Asset generation tool for creating items, heroes, enemies, cinematics and in-game triggers to drive the action.
  • GIF-to-animation converter.
  • A built in development mode with a suite of debugging and viewing tools.